Monday, March 28, 2011

One Sunday Morning

One sunday morning, it hit me. Hard. I'm a Christian and I believe in God and everything that commensurates to the transcendental ways of living. But I'm guilty that lately, I've been missing out on a lot of things, and sadly, one of those things include going to church to actually pray and worship. I realized that the past few Sundays that I've been going to church was actually because it was more of an obligation rather than voluntarily going there to seek for spiritual guidance.

I've been going through a lot lately, and I always pray for guidance and strength, but something seemed to be lacking. There was something that I needed to achieve in order for me to be satisfied, but I can't put my finger into it. Until today. My soul is thirsty for spiritual well-being. In short, I was at the starting point of a possible fallout between my faith and God. It was then that I realized how thankful I should really be. Despite the trials that I'm going through right now, God never left my side. I guess I was just too preoccupied with the negative outcomes that I wasn't able to appreciate the blessings that have been coming my way. Sometimes, the greatest blessings in life come in the form of a dissapointment or failure, for without it, you wouldn't strive for things to get better. And with every failure comes a life-changing lesson.

They say that everything comes with a price. But knowing that you have God on your side to help you in times of your need, that is something PRICELESS. The satisfaction, the relief, making you feel that nothing and no one can ever take it away from you. I may not be the sharpest of all the pencils in the box, and I may not have an eraser big enough to crush out all the mistakes that I've done in my life, but I can assure you that I'll never stop trying, up to my very last stroke.