Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ClariiGuitarii Rants 102

Sometimes, you just have to learn to live without those people whom you thought would be there for you at ALL times. After all, we're just people. We get tired, and we never think the same exact thoughts.
As the saying goes:
When all else fails, you find out who your real friends are. But when you're at your highest, your friends get to know who you are. 

Same goes with life. When you're about to give up, that's when the light comes shining down on you. The light finds you, to guide you into the right path again. It's ironic how sometimes people at their highest points in life feel like they're the lowest people from deep inside. They're usually the ones who lose their sense of reasoning and usually end up with no shoulders to lean on at all. An overactive ego may lead to your own destruction. It becomes an obsession, poisoning your mind with selfish thoughts and actions.

One thing can burn that out, though. ACCEPTANCE. When you learn to accept who and what you are, new doors will open for you. When you open your heart to someone/something else, that's when you'll feel whole again. When you start to accept the things that you have been blocking mentally and emotionally, you'll actually feel as free as a bird flying across the horizon.

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